Sunday, September 13, 2009

Protests over Obama health reform

This article talks about how people are protesting against Obama's plan towards health care as they believe that if the government uses its tax money on government run health insurance it may lead to inflation and will ruin the economy? interesting? take a look...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that this nation still gets out and protests for what we think is right, but this is unbelievable. People are protesting against more equal healthcare coverage becasue it costs too much; yet people do not protest our outrageous global military presence which costs trillions per year and takes the lives of young soldiers. Our nation would rather be a military superpower than spend money to provide our citizens with adequate health care. Unreal.
How many of those protestors have actually downloaded and read the new healthcare proposal?

Christina said...

I agree with John--it is important that everyone's voice is heard, but I don't understand the rationale behind these protests. Americans pay more for health care than just about any other industrialized nation, yet our coverage is among the worst. Why are people not outraged about this and demanding change? It is easier to throw around scary, inaccurate terms like "socialism" to destroy this plan than to actually learn about it.

Bushra Sheikh said...

I agree with both of you. I don't understand why people are ready to support wars where trillions of dollars are spent to go to war and kill people whereas they cant support Obama's health care plan which is actually going to help people survive. People who are protesting are most likely to be rich who can afford health care. I agree Christina that people are throwing out terms like socialism to scare people away instead of spreading rumors around they should suggest a better health care plan if they can.

Lizzie Powers said...

I also agree with the aforementioned comments. Another aspect of the situation and protests I find interesting is that the protesters seem to forget that the cost of using "emergency room healthcare" eventually trickles down to the rest of the population anyway. Furthermore, the claim that people make that our healthcare will be "socialist" seems faulty when there will still be privatized healthcare available for those who can afford it.