Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama's Health Plan is Tough on the Middle Class

Obama's health care plan can cost middle class citizens up to $4000 a year. Obama's administration is tossing around the idea of cutting the public insurance option from the health care bill. Health Co-ops will not get subsidies from the government which means that the moderate to low class will not be able to get premium coverage. By taking this money from the middle class, billions of dollars will be funneled to those that are uninsured and union workers over the age of 55. There is a great example towards the end of the article that shows what will happen to an employee who has to pay a small portion of his medical insurance.

1 comment:

kate said...

This article brings up a very important issue about the health plan's allocation of taxes. The increase of taxes amongst the middle class is going to have an extreme affect on their finances, when they are already struggling. I do believe something needs to change about the current health plan because health insurances aren't fair and cost way to much money for most average people to afford.