Saturday, April 16, 2011

G.O.P. Pushes to Deregulate Environment at State Level

Due to the recession, many states have decided to cut down environmental budgets and eliminate some environmental regulations, such as land conservation, in order to enable more businesses to grow and provide more jobs.

Republicans made clear that reducing all government was important, but that cutting environmental regulations was a particular priority. It is sad to think how environmental protection is always the last to be concerned about and the first to get abandoned in hard times. We should doubt our sustainability of growth in the long run if forests and reserved lands keep giving their way to new buildings and industries.


Robby Woodruff said...

This is very unfortunate, but not necessarily surprising. This is a trend that has existed in the U.S and will continue to exist if actions are not taken at a federal level to preserve the environment.

Robby Woodruff said...
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