Sunday, September 20, 2009

Requiring health insurance is not a tax increase

The debate of the healthcare reform seems to be an ongoing theme for this blog. I have read many articles describing the middle class to be taxed to pay for this reform. However, in this new article President Obama states, "we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you any more than the fact that right now everybody in America, just about, has to get auto insurance." Obama proposes cutting billions of dollars in government subsidies for Medicare Advantage, which is an example how it can reduce healthcare spending while expanding coverage to millions of uninsured Americans. A good article providing another view point on this ongoing debate.


JMeiser said...

The analogy Obama makes relating health insurance to auto insurance is fitting. If Obama's plan can provide medicare for seniors that is "just as good" as Medicare Advantage there will be a lot of upset insurance companies that have been overcompensated through goverment subsidies.

Robb S. said...

I agree with President Obama's argument regarding the health insurance premiums. Consumers who pay higher health insurance premiums due to the costs run by hospitals and other facilities providing care to uninsured people, which is very true. I also thought that Obama's decision to have those unable to afford health insurance should get government held, however those who can afford coverage but choose not to get it should face coverage requirements similar to those for auto insurance.