Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hitting Talk Shows, Obama Defends Health Care Agenda

This New York Times article talks about President Obama's recent television appearance, mainly focusing on his "ploy" to gain support for his health care plan.  
President Obama claimed that funds for the health care will not be due to a tax increase. But Senator McConnell said the current plan would raise taxes on small businesses and individuals and impact medicare coverage. If this is true my family will be severely impacted because they own a small day care center in Ohio and cannot afford to pay more in taxes. I felt this article was important to read because it is not abstract plan that would not really affect us rather it hits close to home and people need to know as much true facts as they can to base major decisions off of, i.e. the health care plan. 
The President also discussed Afghanistan and that there is a possibility that more troops will be sent over because it is an on-going battle. 

1 comment:

Christina said...

I think one of the main reasons why President Obama has faced so much opposition to his health care plan is because people don't understand it. Obama speaks very eloquently, but I think he needs to speak to the common people so that everyone understands what he means. This would greatly help to quell rumors that spread until people have no idea what is true and what isn't. The same is true of the war in Afghanistan; my brother is deploying to Afghanistan on October 10, and I, along with many other people, would really like to hear more about the goals and purposes of the war in simple terms, instead of just that we need more troops.