Monday, March 2, 2020

Goldman Sachs Warns of Recession Risks From Coronavirus

Financial analysts have predicted that the United States will avoid an outright recession, but the risks have clearly grown over the past few weeks. The outbreak is weighing down more meaningfully on economic data, and investors are expecting volatility to increase in the coming days.  Goldman Sachs has predicted that the U.S would only grow 0.9% in the first quarter, and not grow at all in the second quarter - the worst six month growth predictions since the Great Recession. Central banks are aggressively intervening in order to prevent negative fallout due to the virus. Anticipation grows to see the next direction of interest rates when the Fed meets next on March 18th. The U.S is no longer immune to the virus, nor to the effects of the global economy. There is a growing threat to investment, jobs, growth, and lives all over the world, and there is no clear distinction on how severe the impacts of this virus will be.

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