Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Gentle Nudge About the Deficit

Looking at the recent deal to extend tax cuts, cut payroll taxes and extend unemployment benefits, it may seem like Washington does not care about the nation's deficit. Higher taxes and and fewer government services are unpopular however this may be a way to reduce the deficit in which the economy's is facing. The Congressional Budget Office, whose mission is to keep tabs on the long-term fiscal picture, sent out a gentle nudge today though and stated that by waiting to put fiscal policy on a sustainable course will be costly in multiple ways such as: higher debt would make it harder for policymakers to respond to unexpected problems, such as financial crises, recessions, and wars, and it would reduce the amount of U.S. savings devoted to productive capital and therefore would result in lower incomes than would otherwise occur, making future generations worse off. Any opinions?

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