Monday, March 29, 2010

The Lobby: Intel's R&D Tax Push

This article discusses the importance of innovation in the product life cycle that we discussed in class on Friday. A writer for cnn interviewed the head lobbyist of Intel about some of his priorities. Right now they are lobbying to make the Research and Development tax credit a permanent fixture for companies. Companies receive a tax credit for increasing R&D but the credit must be renewed every year by Congress. This is the first thing the lobbyist talked about and I think it is indicative of how lucrative the R&D aspect of a business can be. Ideas are a huge source of profit for companies and being the first to come up with something can mean making a lot of money. The article also addresses immigration reform to allow talented foreign workers (specifically those who have graduated from American universities) to receive green cards more easily, antitrust laws, and patent reform (again, addressing the importance of innovation).

1 comment:

Dave said...

I invented a CPU cooler - 3 times better than best - better than water. Intel have major CPU cooling problems - "Intel's microprocessors were generating so much heat that they were melting" ( - try to talk to them - they send my communications to my competitor & will not talk to me.

Winners of major 'Corporate Social Responsibility' awardS!!!


When did RICO get repealed?"


BTW, I have the evidence - my competitor gave it to me.

BBTW, I am prepared to apologise to Intel if;
• They can show that the actions were those of a single individual in the company, acting outside corporate policy, and:
• They gain redress on my behalf.