Sunday, November 8, 2009

Haute Couture, Available Through the Netflix Model

This article discusses how the fashion industry is taking advantage of the Netflix business model by renting out high end dresses.


David Ward said...

This seems like a great idea since most women buy dresses for one time occasions. Hopefully more industries will get involved with something like this.

Matt G said...

Haute couture is the highest end of fashion so it makes sense that they are leading the industry in innovative marketing techniques. It is smart to observe successful business models, even in a completely different industry, and try to mimic it within yours.

Amanda Sanders said...

I agree with the above, this is a great idea. The women who typically wear $1,000 dresses are also the women who only wear that kind of thing once, so it is now available at a much cheaper price for only one use. But it also gives any other woman the opportunity to wear the high-end of fashion dresses. Especially with the economy, offering one-time use dresses for $50, which I know women would be willing to pay, is a great idea for business. And as Matt said, this type of model has clearly worked for other industries, so it is very smart to at least experiment with it in a different area of business.