Saturday, November 29, 2008

Obama Says Aggressive Economic Plan Needed

The United States President-elect Barack Obama said that he is busy formulating an “aggressive” economic plan for the next two years, saying that action is “needed to prevent a deep slump and falling prices,” which could result in the loss of millions of jobs. Deflation could increase the already massive debt further. This bleak and detailed assessment of the economy is his first since the election. Mr. Obama is receiving help formulating these plans from his economic team, which he just recently finished all the nominations.

1 comment:

Vance Brown said...

Paul Volker will lead his panel of outside advisors. Timothy Giethner as treasury secretary, and larry summers at the national economic council is his dream team. they have the brains and the experience, he has the vision and genius. i'm not worried, i mean if obama can't do it, who is better equipped or even in the position to do anything about it? sarah palin?