Sunday, March 26, 2023

United States Workforce Fluctuation

An article that I found talks about how in the United States many workers are changing their jobs in order to have wage increases to be better off financially. A quote from the article states, “ roughly one-in-five workers say they are very or somewhat likely to look for a new job in the next six months, but only about a third of these workers think it would be easy to find one”. With the large amount of people seeking new jobs and higher wages it results in less job opportunities that are available at a higher level. Because of this there is a broken structure that could result from having too many higher positions and not enough supporting positions in companies. From the gender standpoint there are more women looking to quit their jobs than men. This will cause even more fluctuation in the gender pay gap and the way women are seen in the workforce. Overall, this article pinpoints many different aspects of why people are planning to quit their jobs more and the impact that it will have on the economy and workforces as a whole. 



Wyatt Wells said...

Interesting article Annabel. Do you think that if the gender pay gap was nonexistent then there would be less women looking for new jobs? I would also be curious to see this stat over the past 30 years or so. Have more people started to look for higher paying jobs recently or has the statistic of 1 in 5 workers been consistant?

Yoyo Kebede said...

The current unemployment is 3.5% while last month it was 3.6% and that is overall lower than the longterm average of 5.73%. I wonder if unemployment will continue to rise as a result of constant job changes by workers. I think unemployment will be higher in the summer months once graduation season commences because there will be more people added to the labor force.