Sunday, October 18, 2020

US election 2020: The young people struggling in the 2020 economy

The pandemic has had a huge impact on the young people in the US.S it is getting worse with the election being there. 

Joshua Boyer, a 30-year-old, was living his American dream. He planned to launch his social work career and start a family with his Fiancee in a few years and buy a new house. Since his graduation, he remains without a job for 5 months even though he has applied for about 300 openings. he had a similar experience in 2008 when he graduated from high school in the midst of a global financial crisis. At that time, he entered the military to escape the desolate prospects that were ready to face him in the labor market. His only concern was that this would be another year where the world will face another lost generation.

A'Naiya Davis, a 23-year-old, worked in the minimum wage retail positions after she graduated from college in 2018. She finally ended up moving out from her parent's home as she had landed a role as a content specialist but ended up losing it in June during the Pandemic cuts. Even though she got another job in September the intervening months made her take money out from her savings. She talks about how she would have really liked to live without a roommate or even buy a new home, but now all those things feel out of reach since the pandemic has cut her off.

Do you think we will face the same situations after graduating?

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