Tuesday, September 15, 2020

WTO finds Washington broke trade rules by imposing tariffs on China


    The punitive tariffs imposed on China by the Trump administration in 2018 violated international trade rules according to the World Trade Organization ruling this Tuesday. Washington immediately reacted by deeming the WTO "inadequate" to settle this issue. The members of the panel considered that the measures used by President Donald Trump, who denounced in particular a forced technology transfer to access the Chinese market, violates several rules of the institution. The additional taxes of 25% and 10% on the importation of certain Chinese goods exceed the maximum tariffs accepted by the United States on these products within the framework of the WTO. Also, the members of the panel believe that the arguments given by the United States to justify this 'protectionist' approach do not allow an exception to its multilateral trade agreements. Last year however, Washington and Beijing reached a first agreement to calm the situation. This new ruling has now obviously angered the administration and created a lot of tension which leads me to question whether Trump will see this as an opportunity to quit the organization given that he is already very critical of multilateral institutions.


Haris Ali said...

I think we have already seen President Trump back out of several international agreements including the Paris Agreement last year. So it is only natural that we expect him to withdraw from WTO as it has been evident through his words that he does not like the organization. WTO's criticism of the US will only anger the Trump administration more and may eventually lead to the withdrawal of United States from WTO.

niharika bangur said...

I agree entirely with Haris. We have seen Trump make many different statements during COVID, where we can see that he has dean back what he said. Therefore I believe that this is something that he will withdraw from as well. If Trump is criticized by WTO, then Trump would withdraw the United States from WTO.