Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Trump's Immigration Do-Over

The article discusses the implications of President Trump's second chance at imposing an immigration ban. The new travel ban would still temporarily deny immigrants from several primary Muslim nations from entering the United States and aims to overhaul the the shape of the American immigration system. Local and state authorities would be given higher authority, possibly leading to mass deportations. Trump's first ban which was shot down by the courts, was seen as a bad look for the administration and was a huge blow to the notion that Trump's skill as a business man would trump his lack of political experience. President Trump was quoted saying that "The new order is going to be very much tailored to what I consider to be a very bad decision." These comments, which don't give much information regarding the ban, are somewhat concerning to the public.

It will be interesting to see what the new travel ban entails and wether or not it will be adopted by the American public / Government. It seems that Trump's first few weeks in office have been somewhat dismal and disappointing placing large weight on the new proposed ban. Lastly, it will also be interesting to see how the public reacts to this ban a second time around as the last ban sparked protests and mass debates regarding America's immigration policy.


Unknown said...

I am interested in seeing what his new plan might look like and if the U.S government will approve of it or not. I agree, he does not have much experience in politics and it will be interesting to see how the Court of Appeals reacts to this. In the article, they mentioned how this could be the last chance they have at establishing such law without violating the due process right of travelers getting into the US.

Unknown said...

I have a feeling that his next ban will be very similar to the first, and will be shot down accordingly. If Trump wants his role as president to be taken more seriously, he will need to make this policy a much more moderate than the first.

Unknown said...

Trump repeatedly tries to use stiff arm business tactics to dictate US law, without understanding there are checks and balances to what he can and cannot do. Continuing to push bad deals won't eventually make the courts eventually fold and ratify his terrible new immigration orders. I agree with Brooks, if he appears more moderate at first he may have more luck with the courts in the future. It'll be interesting to see how quickly this order gets shot down.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see how this one differs from his first one. if he wants it to pass it will have to not be as extreme as his first one he tried to pass. I have a feeling this one is going to go just like his last one did.

Anonymous said...

So is the logic behind it to allow the local governments to enforce a ban rather than the federal government? I would hope he had developed a more legal plan. But the ban still feels unconstitutional, a nation of immigrants probably shouldn't ban more immigrants.