Saturday, April 25, 2015

Salesforce CEO Promises Equal Pay to Women

Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, initiated a project called Women’s Surge within the company as an effort to eliminate the gender salary gap and also hire more women.  The review is still under progress to determine what the salary gap is, but currently 71% out of the 16,000 employees are male. When the program is complete, he promises there will be no more wage gap and his goal is to have 30% of employees that are included in any meeting throughout the company to be female. 

I assume that Salesforce will be getting a lot of positive publicity for their efforts. Will other companies follow?


Unknown said...

I expect more companies to begin promising to pay all their workers the same, no matter their gender. Over the last few years major companies like Ikea, T.J. Maxx, and Gap Inc. have increased the minimum wage they pay their workers to get good press. I think committing to equal pay is another easy way for companies to get good press.

Unknown said...

Yeah, hopefully these companies are doing this for more reasons than good press, but who knows. Either way, this is a step in the right direction to be more conscious about wage differences.

Unknown said...

I hope businesses that take these kind of approaches do so very carefully to ensure those that get paid are actually paid what they're worth and how they contribute to the company.

Unknown said...

Honestly, I feel that putting specific quotas on the proportion of people that attend meetings is nothing more than a publicity stunt. There is a need for equality, but it is important to not put rigid guidelines because it is about creating equality, not meeting some corporate quota. I hope this was done with good intentions because diversity is shown to benefit all. Any company that does not desire diversity is truly hurting itself.

Unknown said...

I agree with Abby. I also think this is a step in the right direction. I think it will be interesting to watch the company progress through this process.

Anonymous said...

This is a good act from Salesforce. I think this is great for Salesforce to take initiative to shrink the gender salary gap and have a more balanced employee network. It will be interesting to see how the company transitions through this process. Hopefully, more companies will also follow this initiative.

Unknown said...

I think the idea of goals for the amount of women is interesting. There are probably many qualified women for the positions but the company only hopes for 30%. I think that these numbers should be raised. Just like Austin said. Diversity is a good thing!

Unknown said...

This is a great progress towards removing glass ceiling for women. Hopefully, we will see more women participate in the job market in the future