Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pope Calls for More Market Regulation

Pope Francis has been the center of attention on a lot of issues social, economic and otherwise.   In this case he has taken an economic stance.  Based on his faith and reading of old teachings, he believe that there needs to be more regulation of financial markets.  The way wages are set, with bonuses and huge salaries, are bread from greed and speculation in food commodities under minds work towards ending hunger across the world.  His statements have conservative Catholics calling him a Marxist while he argues that he is simply relaying what the bible tells us.  Given the changes that face economic systems and the choices that they have to make in order to maintain a certain equilibrium and fight economic disparity, maybe Pope Francis should be listened to.  Large salaries may be more than just a show of greed but large disparity in salaries only serves to increase the gap between economic classes.  If a system would like to avoid economic outcomes such as increased poverty, more regulation may be the way to go.  Having more steady food prices would also allow for better across the board access to food products, although ending world hunger may not result so easily it would be a step towards a healthier lower class, which in turn could lessen the reliance of many lower class individuals on state provided care and, in the long run, be a step towards evening the economic playing field.

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