Monday, September 27, 2010

people say governments misspend

Article says that across the world people are disappointed with their governments. Some want government to get more involved, the United States wants less government regulation. The main issue is that "governments misspend the money." Will government ever be able to make the people happy? How can government more adequately meet the needs of the people? Problem is is that there never is one coherent people...


Becky Smith said...

Of course people will never be happy with government - there will always be some part of government spending that displeases them. I think we should pay less attention to the opinion of the people on this issue, and focus more attention on whether or not the government actually is being irresponsible with the funds it has. It is easy to point to pork barreling, etc as areas of irresponsibility in the US budget, so we should focus attention on fixing issues like this rather than complaining about what the government does

Neil said...

Were are never going to fully know or understand what the government does at all times. So, people need to stop worrying about what they do. They are looking out for the best interest for the people of the society for the most part. It is easy to say that the government is making a mistake or doing something wrong. People need to understand that the government doesn't care what one person thinks. They are going to do what is best for everyone. Not everyone will be satisfied with there decision. The government does spend a lot of money that citizens have no idea about, but there is really nothing we can do about that.