Friday, September 11, 2009

Cautiously, Small Investors Edge Back Into Stocks

For anyone that lost money in the stock market this article gives hope to small time investors.  Despite many Wall Street analysts predicting individual investors to be “dead for years,” people are beginning to invest again.  The article tells the stories of several individuals and their families who lost thousands in the Wall Street decline, who are now investing again.  I wonder what they are investing in. 


Hassan said...

Interesting article. However, it was not so surprising to see the trend that people are still investing in stocks. Stock markets usually have a history of big ups and downs. A successful investor is one who perseveres through good and bad times. A lot of investors understand that and know that the market is at one point of time bound to rise again. Hence the investment in stocks!

ankoorn said...

This article is very encouraging for investors both young and old. It is good to see that most 401(k) funds are on the rebound. Also interesting to note, and logical, that bonds and money markets look a little more attractive now after this latest correction that the market experienced.