Sunday, November 30, 2008

Judge allows civil suit over co-worker's perfume

I think it is nice to sit back sometimes, take a break from gloomy recession talk, and laugh at the US legal system. You read the title of this article right- this woman is filing a lawsuit against another woman who wore too much perfume. She claimed that she is extremely sensitive to cosmetics and perfumes, and that her co-worker's perfume made it difficult for her to breathe. This reminds me of the guy who broke into someones house, fell on a knife, and sued them for negligence... unbelievable.


Mark Ames said...

This is crazy. People are incredibly ridiculous, and I agree with Logan its even more ridiculous that this even became a civil suit. I suppose desperate times do show desperate measures...

Vance Brown said...

YES! That's what i'm talking about!! Forget all this financial mumbo jumbo! the economy will be here tomorrow!

law suits are a culture here in america! this is even more interesting for me since reading the book mystery of capital for this class. a major facet of the book is the the government using law to make capitalism work for the poor, in the extralegal sector. it has sure worked in every other sector in america!

cehurley said...

there are some people who should not be allowed to stay in this country and vote because of stupidity, this woman is one of those people. this is an extraordinary waste of tax payers money and she should be responsible for all court costs.