Sunday, April 7, 2024

Economic Impact of Solar Eclipse.

 The predicted possible economic impact of the solar eclipse on Monday is as much as a 6 Billion dollar boost to the economy. The path of the eclipse stretches over 115 miles in the U.S. and many people are expected to travel to see it. These people will be spending money on food, gas, accommodations, etc. This will provide a significant economic boost to towns and cities in the path. The hotel occupancy rate for the night before the eclipse is 92%. Paducah, Kentucky is actually in the path of totality for the second time in the past decade, which is providing them with yet another major boost and providing local business owners to opportunity to learn from their experiences last time.

1 comment:

Zach Jasper said...

I am interested to see what the impact will be around Delaware and central Ohio, whether there will be a noticeable difference in visitors or if things will seem relatively normal.