Sunday, December 6, 2020

Brexit is an opportunity to stop Britons smoking


Even though COVID takes up the majority of the health news smoking remains the most prevailing part of preventable death in the UK. As the UK seesaws on the edge of Brexit they have the freedom to add higher tobacco restrictions. UK has had a high amount of people dying soon after getting COVID but that does not compare to the high amount of people drying from smoking. Many UK adults are smokers and that’s a major difference in life expectancy between wealthy and non-wealthy individuals. The UK laws have a lot of origins from the EU, especially for tobacco. The EU is very much responsible for tobacco-related good supply to the UK. Now, with the decision to leave the EU the tobacco regulations will definitely be affected. Yet, older laws made through the EU still remain just because they are a part of UK law now. Now that the UK is not bound to EU laws, they have a chance to make changes to the tobacco policy. Tobacco control can be made flexible and counter various tactics of the tobacco industry. Even if current regulations are removed public health will improve. A huge majority of tobacco goods still come from the EU. With a lack of trade deal between the EU and UK, the imports will become tariffed starting 2021 which will raise prices and raise tax for the UK. Research shows high prices are the way to lower tobacco use. The UK government is in a strong position after Brexit to turn tobacco-related regulations/laws in their favor. 

What do you guys think the UK should do?


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