Sunday, October 4, 2020

Covid-19 Vaccine Deployment Would Give Global Economy a Lift

 The health officials believe that at least one of the vaccines in the later stages of testing will become available and usable. They believe that by the end of this year at least one vaccine would be used or given to a small number of people who are more vulnerable to the virus. With more and more companies working to have the vaccine available, is not a problem, the problem is uneven access to it. IMF also warned about this issue of uneven access to vaccines, as this will hold back the global economic recovery, and indeed slow it down even for those countries with access to successful vaccines. Similarly, the economic boost will also depend on people and their willingness to be vaccinated, as if we look at rich countries, their skepticism about vaccines and their side effects has grown. I believe these concerns will be a problem.

1 comment:

Nana Ama said...

In as much as having a vaccine is great and will help restore the economy, I do not think people are in favor of having a vaccine by the end of the year as this will raise concerns about the safety of the vaccine. Also if it is distributed to those who are more vulnerable, what criteria are being used to figure out who is vulnerable. Also, is the vaccine going to be free or if not, can everyone afford to get it?