Tuesday, February 27, 2018

In Germany’s Car Capital, the Unthinkable: A Ban on Cars

In the industrial city of Stuttgart, the major industry in town is facing one of its largest challenges to date. A German court ruled that the city can legally ban diesel cars to improve the air quality in the city. The city is dominated by car manufacturers like Diamler, which produces Mercedes Benz cars and trucks as well as other vehicles used around the world, and Volkswagen and much of the jobs and notable landmarks in the city are fueled by this industry. While the city has taken strides to improve its air quality, it still lags behind the European standards. 

The stakeholders in the automotive industry are extremely opposed to this ban. This includes management and workers in these industries. The manufacturers that will be most effected have had emissions troubles in the recent history and this new legislation may be a pivital point in their trajectory. Workers at Diamler earn extremely favorable wages and the change to the environment in Germany may lead to less job security and job benefits.

Environmental activists, however, argue that the nations crusade for an environmentally sustainable future should outweigh the short term costs to the stake and shareholders in the industry. Angela Merkel has a goal of cutting carbon emissions by 40% by 2020 and this measure would certainly help. 

This is not the first time that Stuttgart has been on the losing side of an industry shift though. They used to be heavily invested in the watchmaking industry and the only reminants today are the clocks that adorn houses around the city. The Mayor of Stuttgart understands this and is quoted saying, “Economic history is littered with examples where protecting today’s jobs destroys tomorrow’s”.

What do you think about this proposed ban?

Is it the place for the government to step into the economy and ban 1/3 of one of Germany's biggest businesses?

Link to Article


Unknown said...

While the effects of this diesel vehicle ban will definitely harm the major car manufacturers, it may have some benefits further down the line. It will obviously reduce pollution and improve air quality, and it may also incentive research in alternative fuel sources, creating new opportunities for companies within this emerging industry. I believe the German government has every right to become involved and ban the use of diesel vehicles, as it is in the long-term interest of everyone within the nation.

Anonymous said...

If the government is concerned with the pollution caused by diesel engines, then they should impose a regulation that does not result in a full ban of the certain product. In many ways, this is a socialism concept that I do not agree with. Manufacturers have thresholds they have to abide by and they still can produce while operating close to the bare minimum, so I think Germany should limit the number of diesel cars allowed, not completely ban them.

Unknown said...

I don’t think totally ban the diesel cars is a good idea since it is one of Germany’s biggest businesses. The government has to find a balance between air quality and economy. I think it would be better if government could impose regulations little by little so the industries could have time to adjust their production strategies and they would not lose as much as like that.