Sunday, April 30, 2017

Slow GDP growth while Trump brags about his accomplishments

This first quarter saw the slowest GDP growth in three years at a mere 0.7, this news comes while Trump is off in Pennsylvania avoiding the correspondent's dinner. His speech followed his usual speaking points, where he distanced himself from the elites at the correspondent's dinner, saying he was thrilled to be with the people who voted for him 100 miles away from DC. But Trump was unconcerned with the controversies that have plagued his presidency so far. He bragged about the appointment of a supreme court justice, and how soon he was going to have a great wall built and healthcare reform. He has created 28 laws since he has been in office, many have been blocked, or lack substance but he remains proud and resilient against criticism. He confessed that "he thought it would be easier" on Thursday so it will be interesting to see what the rest of this first year will look like, will he become a political master? Or simply boast about hollow accomplishments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

President Trump recently said that being a president is harder than he thought on his first 100 days in office. A lot of his behaviors are under strong criticism and some are blocked. I wondered if his tax proposal could pass or not. If it passed, there should be a big jump in GDP.