Thursday, December 3, 2015

Terrorism and Fear May Spur Economic and Social Change

Yesterday in San Bernardino, California, tragedy struck at the Inland Regional Center, who provides services for people with developmental disabilities. Fourteen people were killed, and others injured. The attacks were taken out by two sick and stupid terrorists, who are deranged and do not deserve for their names to be put into this article.

Mass shootings come a dime a dozen nowadays in America. Nothing is happening. Gun control isn't as simple as taking away guns from people who have them, or preventing mentally unstable people from getting them. People are still able to get guns illegally, as well as create terror with other weapons, like knives, baseball bats, etc.

But this senseless terrorism has touched a nerve this time. It's bad enough to do it to any group of people, but to people with autism and disabilities? That's when you cross the line. The fact that this couple had been in touch with radical Islamic views too is disturbing.

What does America do? Where do they go from here? Legislators have yet to put into place anything rationale that can stop these mass shootings from occurring. Both parties can't agree on any issue, let alone this. It's time to make a change and crack down on psychopaths and moronic terrorist wannabes who want to do nothing but get on a few newspapers at the cost of American lives.

Security in America will spike up in response to fear and worry of future attacks, anywhere. I just pray that it stops, because it is truly sickening to read about, and I feel for the families that were involved in that situation.

The problem with American society is that news stations like CNN and Fox News glorify the shooter's name, when the focus should be on the victims. Forget the shooter's name, that's only giving psychopaths more reason to try and commit mass shootings and destruction themselves. Reporting is also done to ensue fear in American lives: make them buy things, make them watch the news more so that ratings spike, and make people talk poorly about what America is or isn't doing.

The fact of the matter is, Donald Trump may be saying crazy things to get the attention of people, but if you look closely, that's what news stations have been doing their entire duration: saying crazy headlines and portraying certain aspects of stories to get higher ratings. Pardon my French, but that is f***** up.

American society can connect with each other so much quicker now thanks to social media, which is a blessing and a curse. With the internet increasing in information and globalization increasing exponentially, it is easier for terrorist groups and those of bad influence to get their two cents to people who will feed off of their senseless terror. Something has to be done to prevent this from constantly occurring, because honestly, I'm fearful of it happening in my own neighborhood, and I'm tired of seeing it the greatest country in the world, which is exactly the goal of these terrorist groups and crazy people.


Anonymous said...

Mass shootings are becoming more and more common in the news each week, ensuing extreme fear into every American and people across the globe. There are so many questions about how to prevent such terrorizing behaviors, but as Joey mentioned, there will always be a way around it. However, if Congress could put their differences aside and come to a decision on certain things, we would be on a better track to ending the terror than we are now. Also as Joey mentioned, news companies thrive off substantial events because it means more money for them. In the midst of all that is happening to our global society, we need to put our differences aside in order to support a united fight against terrorism.

Unknown said...

I agree with a lot of the points that have been said here. I do not think that guns need to be outlawed and taken away from the American people as I believe this is a right given to the people. However, I do think that the news and media do need to stop giving all of this credit and fame to these mass shooters. As Joey said, the focus should be on the victims not on the shooters as it is almost always is. I think by taking away the fame and recognition of these shooters it would drastically decrease the number of them that happen. Granted, I realize that news stations have a job to do to get the word out to the American people, but it should not be at the expense of the victims and their families involved which ultimately puts more people at risk for others to want the same kind of recognition for these awful crimes that are committed.

Anonymous said...

I would agree with Ashley and say that taking away guns isn't necessary. This is because they are just one of many means to an end for people planning on hurting others. For example, if guns were outlawed for the general public people would go to other measures to harm others. I do agree with not glorifying the victims, because this just gives people more of a reason to harm others. The question is, how do we publicize these events without names or pictures, because doing this will undoubtedly upset portions of the population.

Anonymous said...

Always discussing the victims on television stations is definitely a problem, but I think more needs to be done. John Howard, former prime minister of Australia discussed how there needed to be a warning issued for travel to the United States. I don't know if guns should be totally outlawed, but something needs to be done.

Unknown said...

It's a very interesting situation moving forward because something needs to be done about this to give confidence and peace back to the American people, and other nations around the globe who have been affected by the Islamic State. More often than not, the people that have been getting access to these firearms and using them for destructive purposes are not mentally stable, and because of this, they are hurting the general public with no remorse. The issue that needs to be focused on is keeping the clinically insane from being able to possess legal firearms, and increasing security measures for people to get guns in the first place. It's too easy to get a firearm in America and because of that, too many mass shootings have then occurred because of it.

Anonymous said...

I just find it interesting that before we found out the shooters' identities, people were hesitant to call it terrorism. Once we found out they were Muslim, they instantly became terrorists. How about the shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado? That's a pure act of terrorism, but it isn't identified as that, because the shooter is white. Look, there's an issue when it comes to identifying the shooters in the media.

Lately, Republicans have been asking for "thoughts and prayers" while Democrats are calling for action to be taken. While I applaud the effort on the Democrats' part, nothing will be done. Once 20 children were massacred (Sandy Hook) and nothing was done after that, it seems as though we have come to a sense of resignation on this issue.

After gun massacres in other countries, those governments immediately sprung into action and banned firearms. And guess what? There haven't been any massacres in those countries since. At this point, I think all fire arms should be banned in the United States. There is no other logical or safe conclusion to come to.

Unknown said...

I believe these violent attacks are going to start impacting the European economy immensely. With the recent attacks on "soft targets" in Paris still fresh in traveler's minds it is likely that they will not be considering Europe as a likely destination. Though there is heighten security and people shouldn't live their lives in fear, the ongoing threats presented make fear the likely winner. With the summer season being the most popular, I wouldn't doubt European cities seeing record low numbers of tourists.

Sarim Rahim said...

We need to understand that the situation with the media and the economy is mutually beneficial. The US news system perpetuates an atmosphere of fear and paranoia which makes the consumer think that they must consume in order to be safe otherwise they will be perceived in a way that society will not approve of. While this does not directly relate to gun safety, im simply trying to make the point as to why media reports the way it does.

Unknown said...

Although to some extent Americans will go out and prchase items for safety this also slows the economy down because Americans are fearful of doing things and going out in public so although they may be doing some things to cause consumers to buy unnecessary items for their safety it does hopefully create an environment where Americans are informed, feel safe, and keep the economy moving forward.

Unknown said...

The shooting was not against people with disabilities, but the people who work with these people (basically like social services). Taking guns away isn't going to change this because we have seen how terrorists will go to any length to kill the people they intent on killing. Although guns are a consumer good, I don't see where its regulation causes an economic change in this article?

Unknown said...

it is always tragic to see such news about shooting. From our country people would feel safe if no one can have a gun, I think here it makes people feel more secured to have one.