Sunday, February 9, 2014

Keep the door open: How Europe Nearly Lost Ukraine - But May Yet Regain It

This article takes a look at the reasons for the mass protests that erupted in Ukraine in November and continue till this day. It also talks about the economic implications of Ukrainian transition to the new government for Ukraine, Russia and EU. 

Article makes a good point that Russia made a stronger stance for keeping Ukraine away from EU, while EU did little to support Ukrainian people and to bring the country on board. The protests and uprising of the people gave EU another opportunity to bring Ukraine to the table of negotiations and free it from Russia's gridlock. The issue here, that article doesn't point out, is that the government in power will do everything in their power and beyond to secure their assets and power. The reason behind this is the fear of the president along with other politicians and oligarchs of facing the confiscations of assets and trials for criminal activities and corrupt practices. 

Article makes a valid point that the best time for a reform and a new agreement with EU might be during the two weeks of the winter Olympics in Sochi, when Putin will be too preoccupied with his own problems (as we know there are a lot of issues concerning security and poor planning). Additionally, Europe's task here is to not only promote the agreement but also to tie the hands of corrupt politicians and businessmen by freezing their international accounts and blacklisting them, thus prohibiting them from entering other EU countries. These actions would shut off the oxygen of financial support that is necessary for the president to keep his colleagues quite and for funding lobbying efforts in the US and EU against the opposition. If EU sets this example then the hope is that US and other countries will follow the same path. 

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