Sunday, March 18, 2012

Unemployment rate drops in key swing states

Good news came on Tuesday for the Obama campaign, as unemployment rates drops in several key swing states. Ohio, Florida, and Michigan had the biggest drops in unemployment. Together, those three three states have a combined 63 electoral votes. This positive economic trend could influence these states to vote for Obama as the election date comes closer. Yet if the economic growth slows in the second half of the year it could mean trouble for the Obama campaign.


Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see if the unemployment rate in these states continues to decrease. The decrease in unemployment in these states still are pretty high compared to other states with Florida and Michigan have higher unemployment rates than the national average. The Fed has been saying for a couple of years now that the national unemployment rates is going to decrease very slowly.

Anonymous said...

It is good to see that unemployment has dropped in Ohio for obvious reasons. I was not surprised by the drop in Michigan because of the recent success or bounce back by the Big 3 automotive companies. GM has been renegotiating with the UAW to lower the workers wages to more reasonable rates so they can use more American labor.

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to see what exactly is causing the decrease in unemployment in each state. The decrease would be positive for the Obama campaign but it may not even be a result of anything the government is doing, however the general public probably would credit it to the government.

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to see what exactly is causing the decrease in unemployment in each state. The decrease would be positive for the Obama campaign but it may not even be a result of anything the government is doing, however the general public probably would credit it to the government.

Unknown said...

I agree with Christin. I would like to see what is causing the decrease and whether there is a common trend. There could be specific causes in each case or possibly a common cause which could help benefit other economies.

Nathan Barnett said...

I think the decrease in unemployment is mainly due to an increase in consumer confidence in these states mentioned that are heavy in manufacturing. This increase in consumer confidence can be traced to expansionary policy from the government however, so it would seem like they are in the long run causing the decrease in unemployment.

Sijia He said...

I agree with Nathan that the main reason is not political, but truly we are in the recovering stage from the recession. Some political economic reason could have effect, but definitely not the major one.