Sunday, February 20, 2011

The United States' Slowdown

This article discusses a new highly debated e-book called "The Great Stagnation" by Tyler Cowen. He explains that pre-1974, the United States economy experienced great economic growth and wealth by harvesting "low-hanging fruit" due to the availability of mass amounts of cheap land, growing education levels, and technological revolutions. Since then, however, the United States has experienced a slow-down in just about everything- slower life expectancy increases, slower job creation, etc. He says that all of this is essentially a technological plateau that we are currently stuck on. What this can mean is a change of values to a more postmaterial set of priorities and the improvement of quality of life without material gain necessarily. The author runs through the lives of 2 hypothetical men who grew up during different times in American history and thus have very different value sets. I really liked this article; I think it is a really interesting perspective on economic outputs and what our society is producing that is different from what we have been looking at and measuring it by traditionally.

1 comment:

Mason Tice said...

this sounds interesting because the economy was doing very well before the first oil shock hit the U.S. this was before the regulation and deregulation of banks that happened during the next 30 years. i think its interesting to see how oil prices came in and changed everything.