Monday, February 28, 2011

Trade Initiatives

President Obama has not been quiet about his desire to increase exports and to somewhat even out the trade deficit. In this article, the logistical struggles associated with doing that are outlined. Bipartisan politics often drive a wedge in plans such as these. Another issue is government assistance to workers who are unemployed due to globalization. As of now, they no longer receive job training or any benefits. Republicans are also blocking trade deals in order to protect sometimes small companies in their specific states (a sleeping bag company in Arkansas, in this case). These short-sided views will hurt the United States in the long run. As Obama reiterated in the State of the Union, the world where the United States' is a manufacturing mecca is over; the time has come for adaptation.

1 comment:

Adam said...

It is kind of ironic that the US preaches free trade and promote trade on all levels, but then they turn around and keep firms alive that should by all accounts be out of business because of foreign competitors. Idea behind this is to keep jobs, but if the job isnt necessary then they shouldnt keep it artificially there. Maybe if the US were to adopt an active unemployment system similar to Sweden's we could stop digging further into our debt by providing assistance to these no longer necessary industries.