Sunday, October 31, 2010

Entitlement Nation: More are living off tax revenues, and fewer are providing them

"Near half of all Americans live in a household in which someone receives government benefits." This number is at a all time high. This article discusses problems with a culture that is becoming increasingly dependent on the public sector. Are American citizens really going to continue this dependency on the government?? I think it will take time but as a country we can become more independent by helping our communities and supporting local businesses.


Kyle Herman said...

The article also mentions that the number of households in which someone receives benefits has increased at a faster rate since 2008 as a result of the recession. This indicates that reliance on benefits is not the product of a culture of laziness, but of necessity. There are a lot of Americans who are willing to work and pay taxes but have had that opportunity denied to them because the jobs aren't available.

aewillia said...

From personal experience I know a lot of people who don't necessarily need benefits but take advantage of them because they can. While there are probably a lot of people who are temporarily receiving benefits because of the recession there are also a lot of people who have become dependent on them and are long term receivers.