Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Introducing a Twitter for Credit Card Purchases

Not really sure how this is going to make money and I think it's a little strange that people want to share their credit card purchases.  I wonder how the company insures privacy


Maria Fullenkamp said...

I don't see how this would be a very popular social tool- its a more specific and less fun version of Twitter. However there could be a lot of value for businesses in collecting purchase data and having a better sense of demand-especially since it is an individual who could be profiled for targeted selling and price discrimination.

Sarah said...

I think that this is a new start for electronic money in general. By beginning to share your purchases online via a credit card and a social network, soon all purchases will be made without the need of credit cards and just using technical devices such as smart phones. Information will be readily available for businesses as stated above and traditional marketing techniques will be abandoned, and advertising will be tailored to different profiles.