Friday, September 19, 2008

On the financial crisis

Prof. Gitter alerted me to the following interesting read on Steven Levitt's Freakonomics Blog about the current financial turmoil.

1 comment:

COD said...

Dr. Simon also asked us to read this article for the class on Monday (Mon-Fis). Quite apparently, this past week is a turmoil and caught attention of sooo mnay people. At this point, I'm afraid that government's intervention didn't help much to alleviate consumer confidence. When Fed bailed out AIG on Tue., the stock market did go up a bit, but since all the big financial institutions r still showing signals of the "run" (e.g. merger?), stockholders continue to panic. My dad from overseas asked me yesterday if my everyday life has changed, as these crazy events are going on. "Nothing has affected me yet," I said. Hopefully it wont (>_<) I wonder what the next step Govt. is going to do to assure stockholders about the future.